Cobham Rugby

Matt Cragg Memorial Cup

Cobham versus Old Tiffinians 26th December 2015

Following the success of last year's inaugural match, it has been agreed with Old TiffInians that this fixture will always be played at Cobham in memory of Cobham youth player Matt Cragg.

The match drew hundreds of spectators to Cobham's grounds in Fairmile Lane on Boxing Day and President  Lionel Frewin said that he had never seen so many people at the Club so much so that, for a time, people were queuing up the main stairs to get to the bar ! 

The game was played with great spirit and superb sportsmanship with a strong wind giving advantage to both sides during the course of the game. The result was close and the best team won on the day, which would have provided great joy to Pete Smith whose tireless work for the Old Tiff's resulted in the Boxing Day match being resurrected following a period of hibernation.

At the conclusion of the game Paul Cragg presented the winning Captain from Old Tiffinians with the Matt Cragg Cup. Cobham Vice President Tony Balkwill then presented Paul and Debbie Cragg with a framed shirt that was the one Matt wore in his last game he played for the Club. It had been signed by the team and was proudly hung on the Club house wall by Paul and Debbie.  

Everyone who attended this game was left in no doubt of the spirit and enduring friendship of rugby which was so important to Matt and how it is epitomised by everyone involved at Cobham RFC.