If you would like to help fund the next stage of development at The Club, please make a donation to Cobham Sports using our Gift Aid Form
Many Cobham folk are happy to help each other, friends and relations and good causes by doing something charitable. This page promotes and congratulates one and all for their efforts and invites you to do the same.
Recent Events
Gareth 'Caveman' Stennett, an All Stars stalwart, is running the London Marathon to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. Cystic Fribrosis is the UK's most common life-threatening inherited disease affecting over 8000 babies, children and young adults. CF affects vital organs in the body especially the lungs and digestive system by clogging them with thick sticky muscus. Each week 5 babies are born with Cystic Fibrosis and 3 lives are lost. The CF trust funds research aimed at treating and curing this disease. The next year is an especially important time as research into gene replacement therapy is very close to finding what is in effect a cure for CF but extra funds are desperately needed for the research to continue its successful conclusion.
Jack Yates, who was in last year’s Under 17’s is about to undertake a cycle trip - Lands End to John O’Groats. He is doing it with his cousin and is planning to set off on 24th July. They will be covering a distance of approximately 1000 miles and hope to complete it in 11 days. They are hoping to raise money for the Help for Heroes Charity.
Kieran Notter, ex Mini Chair and All Star, and a friend decided that they needed a challenge - The challenge is to ride to Paris to meet the last day of the Tour de France and then turn around and ride home, without support!! We have pulled together a group of 10 guys to make this journey together which should be in excess of 400 miles. Some of these guys have only just bought their bikes!! To make sure we help and make sure our experience is remembered for us but also benefits a very good charity. So please sponsor either me or the team to makesure I keep my promise and ride their and back!!