Cobham Rugby

500 Club


Dear Members,

We are now expanding the “CSA 1990 Club” into the new and revitalised “Cobham 500 Club”.

Once this really gets under way, in addition to the usual monthly prize draws and the usual quarterly prize draws, there will then be a much enhanced draw (not only in terms of the number of prizes but also in respect of the value of the same) at the end of each year.

The cost is £5 a month, paid by standing order, but in general terms you can of course purchase as many draw numbers as you wish.

You will find the information with regard to the Rules on the website along with the application form and necessary standing order form.

The split between the prize monies to be paid out and the monies that will go to the Club is 50/50.

The monies that go to the Club will be used to maintain the fantastic facilities that we currently enjoy.

It is hoped that you will be able to participate.

The sooner that you complete an application form and the necessary standing order form and get it sent back the sooner you will then be able to participate in the prize draws.

Steve Heard


